Fields passing by, green, yellow, and dry Blue sky stretching far, protecting and blessing life Poor peasant nursing crop, with content and smile Herds of cattle roaming, with no hue and cry Big trees dwarfing, little bushes appearing grassy Little hut sliding past, forest patch closing nearby Train slowing picking speed then, closing distance thereby
Understanding the complexities of the local environment
Nature’s kindness – valuing biodiversity storage service
The current brouhaha about climate change and its impact have gained enough scientific support not to be ignored anymore. Time is running out so fast that by the time any new facts appear in the media, enough damage is already done to our nature. The damaging impact has been assessed, quite modestly, with advances in […]
प्राकृतिक असंतुलन
कुछ गड़-गड़ाते फुंफकारते, नभ मण्डल में छाये क्रीडा करते घेर लेते नभ के विस्तार को, मेघ मानो प्रकृति से रुष्ट लगते बादल गया है मिज़ाज लगता, इन सन-सनाती हवाओं का आक्रोश से भरे धूल के इन गुबारों, और रुष्ट लगती प्रकृति की फिज़ाओं का संतुलन बिगड़ गया है, प्रकृति के खूबसूरत मिज़ाज का खिलवाड़ जब […]
How much I know my local environment
The blessings of divine nature come in the forms, we rarely expect them to be. The reason is quite obvious; the divinity embedded into its existence is beyond our comprehension. Nature encompasses not just a collection of flora and fauna but a complex of ecological processes occurring every moment benefiting humanity at large. Any minor […]
Encounter with nature
Vijay had planned to finish laundry early so he could walk down the nearby mall. His wife was taking lessons on music so he decided to finish the household chores. It was usually she who would finish these works early to focus on her lessons. Mamta, his wife, was very disciplined and efficient in finishing […]
Divine Nature
Those of few nature lovers, with a hunger to explore the divinity embedded in it, find it painful to be a witness to the wounds inflicted on it in the development path, we have traversed. Some wounds get healed with time, others not, depending upon the magnitude and type of damage. Nature, however, is quite […]
Ecosystem services
Ecosystem Services are the benefits that accrue to human beings directly or indirectly. As producers or consumers of final goods (food, fodder, fiber, water, and livestock products), these are commonly called Provisioning Services. These may also include hydrological processes that maintain the ecological and life support systems (Regulating Services). The processes, plant as well as […]